Speech - The Important of Cleaning

Assalamu ‘alaikum wr.wb
The most respecfull, Mrs Ayu.
And all of my friend that I love.

The first, let’s thank to Allah SWT because of His mercy we can face to face in this place with healthy body.

The second, sholawat and salam may always given to our prophet Muhammmad saw, he had brought us from stupid life, dark period to this bright period, and we must be happy to became moslem people.

The presents that Allah love. This morning I stand up here, Imfront of you have no meant just only telling you about “The Important of Cleaning”. Cleaning is one of our duty when we live in this world. We have to clean wherever we are. Like as in my house and also in our school. Before that I wanna ask you. Are there any garbage under you? Or near of you? If there are garbage near of you, please take it first and put it in the bucket. But if no garbage, thank you and focus to me okey.....!!

It’s important to know that I am a student, you are student, and we are student, so that way we must keeo our class and our school clean. Besides school, our accecories and clothes must clean too. I think, our teacher will be lazy to teach us if she looks our class dirty, right Mis...?. of course if we want get good price, we must me clean. But don’t just clean in our class, we have to clean our selves, like as clean about our speaking, clean about thinking, and clean about intent becouse our job is always overseen by Allah swt.

Our prophet Muhammad saw said: “Annadhofatu minal iman” Clean is a half part in Iman. Our prohet Muhammad saw asked us to keep clean and why do we can’t doit, right? So it his morning, I ask to my friend from now, keep our class alway clean sothat our teacher be happy teaching here okey....?
Oke the present that Allah love. I think that’s all my speech than I can tell you, I an a human, and human alway have a fault. If i have a wrong sentence or my manner to speak is not so correct, I apologize.......  I apologize very much and thank you so much fot your kind attention.

Wassalamu ‘alaikum Wr.Wb

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